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Chrome for iOS (Mobile)

Clearing the cache in the Chrome browser on an iPhone is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Chrome:
    Launch the Google Chrome app on your iPhone.
  2. Access Settings:
    Tap the three dots in the bottom-right corner of the browser window to open the menu.
  3. Go to Settings:
    Scroll down the menu and select “Settings.”
  4. Privacy Section:
    Within the Settings, look for the “Privacy” section.
  5. Clear Browsing Data:
    Under the Privacy section, find and tap on “Clear Browsing Data.”
  6. Choose Data to Clear:
    You’ll be presented with a list of items to clear, such as browsing history, cookies, and cached images and files. Check the box next to “Cached Images and Files.”
  7. Select Time Range (Optional):
    Some versions of Chrome may allow you to choose a time range for clearing the cache. If you want to clear the entire cache, you can usually select “All Time.”
  8. Clear Browsing Data:
    Tap on “Clear Browsing Data” or a similar option to confirm and initiate the cache-clearing process.
  9. Restart Chrome (Optional):
    After clearing the cache, you can choose to close and restart the Chrome browser for the changes to take effect. This step is optional but can help ensure a clean start.

Please note that the menu options and the exact steps may vary slightly depending on the version of the Chrome app you’re using. If you have trouble finding the specific settings, you can refer to the Chrome Help documentation or check the settings menu in the Chrome app for guidance.